ThinkLA – Entertainment Marketing Breakfast

Spotlight sponsor – LG Ad Solutions
COVID-19 has radically changed everything we’ve come to know about our everyday lives. In many cases, 10 years of consumer adoption has been accelerated over the course of one year, and it’s especially true in the entertainment industry where we’ve seen a revolution of change.
This massive disruption has now put consumers in complete control when it comes to getting the content that matters most to them at any time across any device. More than ever, companies in the entertainment ecosystem are having to conform at a rapid pace or be left behind.
The Entertainment Revolution is about a fast-changing entertainment industry where consumer demands drive business practices and reinforces content wherever it is distributed. Our ThinkLA Entertainment Breakfast will focus on a post-COVID world and the trade-offs with legacy entertainment models; the emergence of 5G in a bigger way and its effect on entertainment; the impact to existing revenue streams and attribution; the decline of local news investiture and rise in entertainment news; and what the post-COVID “Roaring 20s” future holds– what’s here to stay, what comes back stronger, and what’s new on the horizon.
Join LG Ad Solutions at this pivotal event on July 21, 2021 at 8:30 am PT/ 11:30 am ET.