Recent Reports

Stadium to Screen (2025 | UK Edition)
Reports, SportsStadium to Screen: Streaming Live Sports in 2025
Sports are, without question, a major part of our lives, and the ways in which we watch live sports are growing across a number of digital sources. Stadium to Screen: Streaming Live Sports in…

Stadium to Screen (2025 | CA Edition)
Reports, SportsStadium to Screen: Streaming Live Sports in 2025
Sports are, without question, a major part of our lives, and the ways in which we watch live sports are growing across a number of digital sources. Stadium to Screen: Streaming Live Sports in…

The Efficiency Curve: Finding the Optimal Balance Between CTV and Linear TV Investments
ReportsDiscover the insights behind 224 billion impressions across various industries to learn how small adjustments in ad allocations can drive significant improvements in campaign efficiency.
In today’s fragmented TV landscape, advertisers face…

The Connected Gamer (2024 | US Edition)
Gaming Reports, ReportsThe global video game market is expected to reach $500 billion in 2025 (Statista), demonstrating just how much of a role video games play in most of our lives. LG Ad Solutions conducted a new research study, entitled The Connected Gamer, to…

The Connected Gamer (2024 | Canada Edition)
Gaming Reports, ReportsThe global video game market is expected to reach $500 billion in 2025 (Statista), demonstrating just how much of a role video games play in most of our lives. LG Ad Solutions conducted a new research study, entitled The Connected Gamer, to…
Latest Articles

Going for the Advertising Gold
Connected TV Trends, Entertainment, TV Audience Analysis, TV Measurement, TV Technology

Revisiting the Fallout Franchise: Exploring TV Shows’ Impact on Gaming Resurgence
Entertainment, TV Measurement
The Art of Timely Messaging: Insights from Alcohol and Wellness Advertising Trends
TV Measurement, Uncategorized

LG Ad Solutions is a global leader in connected TV and cross-screen advertising, driven by our mission to create meaningful connections between brands and their audiences. With a vast network of award-winning LG Smart TVs worldwide, we offer advertisers and content creators unparalleled scale, reach, and personalized precision on the largest screen in the home.