Webinar: Authentically Reflecting the Multifaceted Black American Consumer

According to a 2022 MAGNA report, the Black American population stands at 47M and growing, with a buying power of $1.6 trillion. Despite this massive market opportunity, advertising dollars spent on reaching the Black American consumer have steadily declined over the past few years ($2.3 billion in 2019 to $1.5 billion in 2021). How can brands do a better job of connecting with this high-potential consumer?
Authentic creative, relevant messaging and a thorough understanding of nuanced cultural elements is key is driving resonance with this audience. Seventy-six percent of Black respondents in a survey from B Code said the representation of people like themselves in an ad was an element that captured their attention. To learn more about how you can find Black consumers across media and speak to them in a meaningful way, watch this webinar on-demand.

Jessica Garrett Modkins
Hip Rock Star Advertising

Danielle Hester
Director of Marketing
B Code (an entity of My Code)

Amanda Rhodes
Content Curator

Monica Longoria
Head of Sales Marketing
LG Ad Solutions