FOX Dominates with 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Premiere

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FOX’s 9-1-1: Lone Star garnered the top share of viewers (5.67%) during its season 2 premiere on Monday, January 18 during the 9pm ET hour.

ABC’s The Bachelor trailed closely with 5.54%, followed by CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time (4.41%), CBS’s Let’s Make A Deal Prime Time (4.21%), and NBC’s The Wall (4.14%).

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Prior to the 9-1-1: Lone Star premiere, 42% of its viewers were already tuned-in to FOX for the original 9-1-1 show and 12% switched on their TV for the first time.

Following the episode, 29% stayed tuned-in to FOX and 21% turned off live TV altogether. Another 13% switched to CBS for Bull and 12% went over to ABC for The Good Doctor.

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