From The Experts: 3 Tips To Reach And Connect With Women Audiences

Often when brands are thinking about their advertising strategy, they make ad buys based on general market audience profiles, without stopping to consider the nuanced, specific segment of women. Yet, women control over $10 trillion in consumer spending in the US. Additionally, according to Traqline, women account for a considerable percentage of traditionally male product purchases — 45% of auto tires and batteries, 50% of consumer electronics and 55% of small appliances. With women being at the forefront of many purchase decisions, brands should dedicate a portion of their budget to advertising to this audience group in a manner that reflects their values and beliefs.
In celebration of #WomensHistoryMonth, we brought together a panel of female powerhouses to discuss how brands can better reach and engage with the highly receptive women audience segment. Our expert panel included Tiffany Pegues, Group Leader, Consumer Advocacy and Insights at Church & Dwight Co. Inc.; Katie Klein, Chief Investment Officer at PHD Media; Amy Sheridan, Senior Director, Global Integrated Media at Nike; and our moderators — Katherine Yager, VP of General Market Sales and Monica Longoria, Head of Product Marketing at LG Ad Solutions.
When it comes to reaching women audiences and connecting with them on a deeper level, here are three tips to keep in mind:
- Don’t Think Pink: Women are multilayered, multifaceted and dynamic individuals. Brands must truly understand a woman’s nuanced personality, tailoring their messaging and creative to represent her accurately. Advertising based on gender stereotypes will not only make a woman feel unseen, but likely prevent her from buying from the brand. As women grow and navigate different life stages, they prioritize different things. A single, working woman will have different priorities compared to a married woman or a mother. Brands must be deliberate in the way they speak to women so as to resonate with them in a way that earns their loyalty.
- Content Is Queen!: The importance of following your audience and meeting them where they are cannot be stressed enough. Attention and consumption habits are fragmented, making multi-media marketing a necessity. Video on TV and cross-screen devices, if integrated into content in the right way, can strike a chord with target audiences. Short-form and long-form content both have their own place in media, but lines are starting to blur in terms of where this content can be found. For instance, LG TVs now have the TikTok app available, meaning that short-form content can be viewed on the largest screen in the house and is not restricted to mobile or tablet.
- Not Out With The Old, But In With The New: Millennials are an important target for brands. But the up-and-coming Gen Z and Gen Alpha cannot be left unconsidered. Gen Z especially looks up to and resonates with brands that take a stand on social issues and have opinions on topics that matter. These generations are also not monolithic and consist of cohorts of diverse thoughts and backgrounds that marketers must embrace. To resonate with these audiences, brands must first consider what aspect of Gen Z audiences they want to tap into and then decide the media mix that will have the most impact.
A common thread amongst all the expert opinions in our webinar was for there to be women representation both on camera and behind the scenes. For brands to design campaigns that target women, it is imperative to have women at the helm of decisions who can accurately portray women, their needs and values. Investment in diverse talent is critical not only to amplify the voices of women in general, but women from different backgrounds, cultures and belief systems to help truly make a difference.
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