Upping The Ad Game — Interactive & Dynamic Ad Units

What is your eye first drawn towards when you turn on the TV? For advertising to make a splash and the brand to stay embedded in the viewer’s mind, placement is of utmost importance. You can have the best imagery and the wittiest copy, but if the ad is hidden from view, it will be easily missed. At LG Ad Solutions, we recognize that one way for ads to be attention-grabbing, is through placement at consumer points of interaction with the TV. We’ve rolled out a series of new Native Ad units to ensure your brand is highly visible and consumers can interact with your brand at the point of exposure.
Show & Tell / Let’s Take A Quick Tour
Here is a quick look at some of our new ad units:
- Halo Ads – An expandable unit that appears when a user hovers over the home launcher banner ad, this unit is eye-catching and perfect for a clickable CTA that will take the user directly to an app, website, video, or image.
- Carousel Banner & Video Ads – This is the most hard-to-miss ad unit, taking up the entire top half of the screen. Built with up to 5 cards remaining on the screen for 5 seconds each, ads will appear in one of the slots at random. Brands can take over the unit by investing in a roadblock. Currently only available for media and entertainment industry brands, this is a sure-shot way to get the attention of your viewers! This carousel ad unit can be either a banner, video, or video with a companion banner.
- Weather Triggered Ads – Hot coffee on a cold winter day? Allergy medication during pollen season? Relevant advertising works wonders for both consumer and brand. You can now use weather cues to add relevancy to your advertising. By deploying Weather Triggered Ads, in partnership with Clinch, brands can align campaign strategy based on weather and ultimately drive the consumer to act.
At LG Ad Solutions, we are continually exploring new ways to engage audiences and encourage conversion. To learn more about these ad units and how you can use them to boost your creative strategy, contact us at info@lgads.tv or on our contact page.