Women at LG Ad Solutions: Brianna Santoro, Senior Account Manager

Ladies at LG Ads Brianna

Brianna has been at LG Ad Solutions for a little under a year now and has prior experience in Linear TV and digital. Her eagerness to learn and try new things is commendable, and we feel lucky to have her on our team. Here’s a little bit about her in her own words —

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you decide to work at LG Ad Solutions.
Hi, I’m Brianna and work as a Senior Account Manager. I’ve always been in the ad sales space since graduating college, starting in linear TV and moving to a more digital focus as I became fascinated by how granular and creative you could get in the digital space. I have learned so much in my short time here with so much room to still grow!

What do you love most about your job?
I love the team focus and push to grow and learn. There are no job or opportunity restrictions so you can really get your hands into everything, which I believe is the best way to learn! Being able to reach out to anyone in the company, of any level, for help or to even suggest a new project allows you to really feel a part of a growing company and team. You truly see the difference you can make.

How do you overcome challenges you face in the industry/at your job?
Perseverance. Sometimes you have to fail first before you succeed. Just keep trying until you learn the best practices to get it right!

What would be your message to all the girls/women out there who are trying to achieve success in a predominantly male tech industry?
Don’t be afraid to speak up, ask questions, and take initiative. That’s the most effective way to not only get yourself noticed but to learn and grow within your career (and yourself)!

Do you feel LG Ad  Solutions has helped you thrive as a woman? How?
There is an overwhelming amount of women supporting women here, and it is great to see and be a part of. It is so easy to get caught up in yourself, but these women make it a point to show their support both in and out of the workplace. There is always a new highlight or positive post in our “Women at LG Ad Solutions” group, bringing up every woman.