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LG Ad Solutions is a global leader in connected TV and cross-screen advertising, driven by our mission to create meaningful connections between brands and their audiences. With a vast network of award-winning LG Smart TVs worldwide, we offer advertisers and content creators unparalleled scale, reach, and personalized precision on the largest screen in the home.
Brand Innovators Marketing Leadership Summit
Brand Innovators Marketing Leadership Summit
Adweek Convergent TV Summit
ANA Masters of Marketing
Brand Innovators Fall 2021 Media Buying Summit
Brand Innovators: Women In Marketing
Mapping the Future of TV
ThinkLA – Entertainment Marketing Breakfast
IAB Canada: Business of Digital – Thought Leaders in Session: Digital for Reach
VideoNuze Connected TV Advertising Summit
Adweek Elevate / TV and Video Measurement
Ad Age In-Depth: TV Pivot
Variety Upfronts Presented by LG Ad Solutions
NextTV Summit 2021
Brand Innovators Media Buying Summit
Convergent TV Summit 2021
TVOT Live! Spring 2021
Variety’s Entertainment Marketing Summit 2021
Mediaweek 2021